
Hi there! Welcome to the roadmap for self-learning brand design curated by Chisaokwu Joboson. This template is designed to be beginner friendly, providing you with a clear and structured plan for learning branding at your own pace, with a focus on brand identity design.

This roadmap assumes that

  1. You have a good laptop and internet connection for learning design.
  2. You have and know how to use the recommended design software in brand design.

This is important to note that this roadmap is in no way an official standard for learning brand design but more of a self-learning guide by the curator based on experience and discovery.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Timeline
  3. Outline
  4. Resources
  5. Additional Notes
  6. Conclusion


This roadmap is divided into eight phases, with each phase outlining a different aspect of brand design. The approximate timeline for completing the phases is 8-12 weeks. However, you are encouraged to create a learning schedule that best suits you.

Phase 1 Introduction to Branding and Brand Design
Phase 2 Design Elements and Principles
Phase 3 Brand Strategy and Research
Phase 4 Logo Design
Phase 5 Typography in Branding
Phase 6 Colour in Branding
Phase 7 Visual Identity & Brand Guidelines
Phase 8 Showcasing Your Work


Click on the dropdown icon ▶️ to view the contents in each phase.

Phase 1: Introduction to Branding and Brand Design

Phase 2: Design Elements & Principles